
Athletes can apply for a grant from Alpine 100 to be used to help with training camps costs, new equipment, race entries and other expenses associated with competitive winter sport. Alpine 100 is here to help ease the financial burden on athletes and parents at all stages of the athletes career.

1. What can I apply for?

You can apply for assistance in the following areas:

  • Training camp costs
  • Equipment costs
  • Dry land training
  • Travel to races
  • Hotel costs for races
  • Race entry fees
  • Other

2. How much can I apply for?

  • You will need to submit details of pricing (from multiple suppliers where appropriate) to demonstrate best price.
  • You may only receive 50% of the total cost applied for.
  • There is no guarantee that your application will be successful, or that you will receive the full amount that you have asked for. Much will depend on how much is in the Grant Fund at the time of your application.

3. What information do I need to provide when submitting an application?

  • What assistance you are requesting?
  • What you need it for?
  • Where the money will be going. You need to provide contact information (name, telephone number, email) for this.
  • If applying after a previous successful request, please explain how a previous grant helped — for instance, did you get good/better results; did it mean you were able to attend a camp that would otherwise have been out of reach financially; what improvements have you been able to make in your sport?

4. How many times can I apply a year?

  • You can apply as many times as you like. You may not be successful every time, as all grants are dependent on how much is in the Grant Fund.
  • We require honesty and sensibility if making multiple applications.
  • Be realistic with your application(s).

5. How does the process work once the application has been submitted?

  • Applications are reviewed on a monthly basis, with a cut-off of midnight (UK time) on the 1st of each month.
  • The Grants Committee will review all applications submitted in the month and decide what grants have been successful and how much of the requested amount will be awarded.
  • All applicants will then be notified as to the outcome of their application.
  • Payment will be made directly to the supplier.
  • If you are successful with your application we request that you thank ALPINE100 on social media and encourage friends, family and followers to support the programme. The more people that support the programme, the more grants can be made.

6. Who can apply?

  • Parents of athletes under the age of 18.
  • Athletes over the age of 18.

7. What we are not providing for

  • Holidays
  • Parties
  • Full training programmes

Grant application

To apply, please complete the form below. Please provide as much information as possible about your current level in your sport and your grant request.