Hahnekammrennen 2011 by Michael Fleischhacker

Welcome to Alpine 100

Raising funds for British winter sports athletes

From as little as £5 a month, you can help support current and future athletes on their road to success.

Enter now to be in with a chance of winning, and support winter sports.

You could win big when you play the Alpine 100 monthly Lottery! For as little as £5 a month you could win £££ in our monthly draw for four cash prizes, whilst also supporting our current and future winter sport athletes!

The need for financial support for winter sports athletes has never been more pressing. The 2023-2024 season saw Gold Medals at the Youth Olympic Gold, World Junior Championship U18 Gold, race wins and two British racers finishing in the top 8 at a World Cup Slalom race. The future is bright but for this run of success to continue, the need for financial support is paramount.

Alpine 100 is designed to help fill some of the gap in funding that currently exists between existing funds and necessary funds.

This is not a take—take project, there is also a monthly draw that puts money back into those contributing.

The Alpine 100 project aims to help the next generation of aspiring athletes, their families and programmes.

©2024-2025 Alpine 100, all rights reserved

©2024-2025 Alpine 100, all rights reserved


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